In the aftermath of the tragic and unjust shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by the police in Ferguson, Missouri, an inspiring movement took root. Driven by the united voices of passionate activists, Johnetta Elzie emerged as a tireless champion for justice and equality, cementing herself as one of the most influential figures in the protests.

Teaming up with DeRay Mckesson, Johnetta played a pivotal role in co-authoring a revolutionary daily newsletter, aptly titled “This Is the Movement.” This innovative digital platform swiftly garnered a substantial following, spreading awareness far and wide and igniting the flames of change nationwide.

But Johnetta’s dedication went beyond just disseminating information. She co-founded We The Protesters, an extraordinary activist group rooted in Ferguson. This groundbreaking organization spearheaded the inception of the nation’s first digital civil rights movement, amplifying the voices of those impacted by police violence and demanding accountability from law enforcement.

Through her unwavering resolve, Johnetta Elzie transformed the fight against police violence. Her tireless efforts to track incidents, advocate for systemic change, and push for justice have made her an indispensable force within the civil rights movement. Her unwavering pursuit of justice has served as an inspiration for countless individuals, urging them to rise up, speak out, and join the battle for equality.

Today, Johnetta Elzie continues to be a staunch advocate for civil rights, shedding light on the persistent injustices that plague our society and compelling us to confront uncomfortable truths head-on. Her courage, resilience, and visionary leadership have left an indelible mark on the struggle for justice, making her a beacon of hope in the ongoing fight against systemic racism and oppression.

Join us in celebrating the remarkable influence of Johnetta Elzie—a true catalyst for change. Together, we can create a world where equality thrives, and the resounding echoes of justice permeate generations to come.